what a Beautiful Name.
what a Beautiful Name.
Son of God, Son of Man
Lamb that was slain
caron xu jiahui
bethesda bedok-tampines church; Youth Church
NUS Nursing

Lamb that was slain
i love the king and he loves me.
caron xu jiahui
bethesda bedok-tampines church; Youth Church
NUS Nursing

"For i have plans for you,"
declares the Lord,
"plans to prosper you
and not to harm you,
plans to give you a hope and a future."
-Jeremiah 28
joy and peace, strength and hope
grace that blows all fear away.
i see the heavens proclaiming you day after day
and i know in my heart
that there must be a way
to sing a greater song to you
my love.
how can it be that you miss him and
yet not talk to him or barely even see him
for the past 3-4 years?
how can it be so tiring when it is only the beginning?
have i been leaning on my own strength?
plenty to say of,
that cannot be put down in this space.
to you my life's an open book
turn the page and take a look
how can it be that i could feel so much?
how does one's emotions really come about?
im still searching what purpose is there in being emotional,
of what 'emotions' really mean in God's point of view.
why did God create a way of expressing our emotions thru crying?
questions, questions, and more questions.
not unbelief,
i still do trust in your unfailing love,
your mercies so great,
your grace that is enough for me.
but sometimes,
let it be tangible God.
let me really feel your arms, your warmth around me.
ive been thinking too much,
dreaming too much.
you are indeed the Almighty,
the Omniscient One,
Holy Uncreated One.
you are GOOD Lord,
you are a GOOD GOD.
and indeed all things that are perfect, good, and everything nice comes from you.
how oft have i missed it?
failed to see your goodness and grace and instead gave in to ramblings,
self-pity, and complains.
O lord! forgive me!
faith is the assurance of things hoped for
and the evidence of things yet to come.
faith is resting your whole weight in the Lord;
sitting on a sofa and totally not controlling your weight as you sit on it.
[trust] when God doesn speak
[obey] when He does.
makes total sense.
but its just so hard to follow these 2 simple stuff.
the Christian life isn a easy one,
i know it.
but with you in it,
it makes a whole lot of difference.
it isn a short race,
its a marathon.
in which i feel so tired running.
really tired.
my soul cries out to the living God
my soul trusts in him and i am helped.
i do not know where to;
put my foot?
lay my head?
look ahead?
he put me on a line
and hung me up to dry.
so rescue me,
save me my love.
let me not get blown away;
let me not waste away.
thank you for loving me.my heart burns for you'
you see past all my lies.
God will make a way
when there seems to be no way
He works in ways
we cannot see
He will make a way for me
He will be my guide
hold me closely to His side
with love and strength for each new day
He will make a way
He will make a way
by a roadway in the widerness
He'll lead me
rivers in the desert will i see
Heaven and earth will fade
but His words will still remain
he will do something new today
hallelujah and amen.
i love you from the depths of my heart.
so much has happened.
and i've learnt to let go of my dreams,
my dreams of doing things.
and instead, cling on to the Rock.
to the One who will never fail me.
to let go of all my aspirations
and hold on to His plan,
trusting in him,
rather than my plans.
so much so much.
that has happened,
unexpectedly, that i believe has moulded me.
is moulding me.
i thank you for Lord for always being by me.
You are Holy
Who was, and Is, and Is to come
You are Holy
I'm standing at the feet
of the Miracle Maker
i want to paint you.
get a canvas, sit by the river and paint you.
feel the wind in my hair,
your whispers of love in my ear.
ill smile,
so faintly only you,
my love,
can see it.
oh yeah,
let the strokes of my brush
be light, swift.
let them be beautiful for you.
breathe, breathe, breathe
and till i see you
take me heart
keep it safe
take my soul
all of it.
Man shall not live by bread alone,
but by every word that comes
from the mouth of the Lord.my heart burns for you'
you see past all my lies.
grace that blows all fear away.
Sunday, August 26, 2007
i see the heavens proclaiming you day after day
and i know in my heart
that there must be a way
to sing a greater song to you
my love.
how can it be that you miss him and
yet not talk to him or barely even see him
for the past 3-4 years?
how can it be so tiring when it is only the beginning?
have i been leaning on my own strength?
plenty to say of,
that cannot be put down in this space.
to you my life's an open book
turn the page and take a look
how can it be that i could feel so much?
how does one's emotions really come about?
im still searching what purpose is there in being emotional,
of what 'emotions' really mean in God's point of view.
why did God create a way of expressing our emotions thru crying?
questions, questions, and more questions.
not unbelief,
i still do trust in your unfailing love,
your mercies so great,
your grace that is enough for me.
but sometimes,
let it be tangible God.
let me really feel your arms, your warmth around me.
ive been thinking too much,
dreaming too much.
you are indeed the Almighty,
the Omniscient One,
Holy Uncreated One.
you are GOOD Lord,
you are a GOOD GOD.
and indeed all things that are perfect, good, and everything nice comes from you.
how oft have i missed it?
failed to see your goodness and grace and instead gave in to ramblings,
self-pity, and complains.
O lord! forgive me!
faith is the assurance of things hoped for
and the evidence of things yet to come.
faith is resting your whole weight in the Lord;
sitting on a sofa and totally not controlling your weight as you sit on it.
[trust] when God doesn speak
[obey] when He does.
makes total sense.
but its just so hard to follow these 2 simple stuff.
the Christian life isn a easy one,
i know it.
but with you in it,
it makes a whole lot of difference.
it isn a short race,
its a marathon.
in which i feel so tired running.
really tired.
my soul cries out to the living God
my soul trusts in him and i am helped.
i do not know where to;
put my foot?
lay my head?
look ahead?
he put me on a line
and hung me up to dry.
so rescue me,
save me my love.
let me not get blown away;
let me not waste away.
thank you for loving me.
Thursday, August 09, 2007
God will make a way
when there seems to be no way
He works in ways
we cannot see
He will make a way for me
He will be my guide
hold me closely to His side
with love and strength for each new day
He will make a way
He will make a way
by a roadway in the widerness
He'll lead me
rivers in the desert will i see
Heaven and earth will fade
but His words will still remain
he will do something new today
hallelujah and amen.
i love you from the depths of my heart.
so much has happened.
and i've learnt to let go of my dreams,
my dreams of doing things.
and instead, cling on to the Rock.
to the One who will never fail me.
to let go of all my aspirations
and hold on to His plan,
trusting in him,
rather than my plans.
so much so much.
that has happened,
unexpectedly, that i believe has moulded me.
is moulding me.
i thank you for Lord for always being by me.
You are Holy
Who was, and Is, and Is to come
You are Holy
I'm standing at the feet
of the Miracle Maker
i want to paint you.
get a canvas, sit by the river and paint you.
feel the wind in my hair,
your whispers of love in my ear.
ill smile,
so faintly only you,
my love,
can see it.
oh yeah,
let the strokes of my brush
be light, swift.
let them be beautiful for you.
breathe, breathe, breathe
and till i see you
take me heart
keep it safe
take my soul
all of it.
Man shall not live by bread alone,
but by every word that comes
from the mouth of the Lord.
Labels: rearrange me.
Rescued my soul, my Stronghold
lifts me from shame
lifts me from shame
shout it out (:
Forgiveness, security, power and love
grace that blows all fear away
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